You hired someone new, and because the interview went great and she has some sales experience, you put her on the sales floor, expecting her to know what to do. Wrong! She has no idea what YOUR customers have come to expect from your store, and she has yet to learn why your customers keep coming back.
Here’s how to fix it:
Consider what your customers want when they walk in or call your company. What level of help, attention, and conversation do they expect? What are the questions you ask to get to know what they need?
Create a 5-day training plan for your new hires. What happens on day one by mid-day and day one in the afternoon? By day five, what do you expect her to know? Measure it!
Create a list of “How do we help our customers so we remain the go-to for (insert your thing)?”
Create a list of “What to say when you don’t know the answers?”
This training manual will allow your new hire to give her best to your customers, and she’ll feel more welcome and confident to step up. No matter how experienced anyone is, being the new kid is never fun.
If you need help putting together a 5-day training plan, let me help! I’ve had thousands of new hires through my 30 years of running a store. I learned a lot the hard way, and The Retail Lab exists so you can understand the right way!
Kristi B
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